An earlier project for damming the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals, Alabama had ended up ‘a muscle-bound white elephant’. So President Roosevelt was treading vexatious territory when he called upon Congress to create ‘a corporate clothed with the power of government but possessed of the flexibility and initiative of private... More
Only decades after facing near annihilation from the depredations of the Hyksos from the north and the Kushites from the south, the first two rulers of the 18th Dynasty accomplished a stunning turnaround. Kamose, the founder, in a brief reign drove the Hyksos back into their Nile delta strongholds and... More
In May 1915, the French 10th Army managed to reach the top of Vimy Ridge, a strategic position commanding the approaches to the coal-mining centres of Lens and Loos, but were driven off by ferocious German bombardment. In September, General Foch determined to try again while also commanding a new... More
The Third Crusade was Christian Europe’s response to Saladin’s re-conquest of Jerusalem. First to take up the cause was Frederick Barbarossa, the veteran Holy Roman Emperor who set off overland with a huge army. Richard I of England, and Philip II of France rendezvoused in Sicily, before sailing separately for... More
The Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II provoked this terrible conflict in Central Europe by attempting, as King of Bohemia, to impose Catholicism within his dominions, triggering the ‘defenestration of Prague’ (1618), when his representatives were thrown out of the windows of Prague Castle. His outraged subjects offered his crown to... More
The eminence grise of the Protestant cause was, ironically, a Catholic cardinal: Richelieu of France, determined to frustrate the Habsburgs. He had bankrolled Denmark’s disastrous intervention; in 1630, he backed a winner in Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. The Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II had sacked his most successful military leader,... More
The siege of Arras (1640) was a turning point in the prolonged conflict; after capturing Arras, the French surged into Flanders, routing the Spanish at Rocroi (1643) and in the Netherlands, (Gent, Hulst, Dunkirk). The tide turned for the French in Germany, with defeats at Tutlingen and Herbsthausen. However, their... More
Around 620 CE, the clans around Lhasa unified, then annexed, the ancient neighbouring kingdom of Zhangzung. The empire they founded expanded northward at the expense of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, occupying the Tarim Basin, before losing most of its gains under the irresolute rule of Emperor ‘Old Hairy’ Tride Tsuktsän.... More
By the 1300s the European merchant class were no longer pedlars who hawked goods from town to town but were dealers, ship owners and guild members. The guilds enabled merchants to create trading posts and apply pressure for special trading privileges. Some guilds were so powerful they had their own... More
The extent to which the Toltecs had dominion over an empire is a matter of dispute. An early ruler, Topiltzin, is reputed to have conquered Yucatan and, certainly the site of Chichen Itza on the peninsula has a strong cultural affinity to definite Toltec sites, like their capital, Tula. Their... More
With the passage of the Indian Removal Act (1830), President Andrew Jackson was furnished with a legislative mechanism for the exchange of Indian land on a voluntary basis. It did not allow forced relocation. Jackson’s immediate targets were the ‘Five Civilized tribes’ (Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw and Seminole). He sought... More
Both Muslims and Christians engaged in the slave trade in the Middle Ages, with the only general prohibition being enslavement or trading of co-religionists. The Muslim kingdoms of North Africa dominated trans-Saharan trade was dominated, using as their intermediaries the various African empires that grew to occupy the western and... More