Mosques in the US by State, 2000


Map Code: Ax01294

In the year 2000 there were 1,209 mosques across the US, 76 per cent of which were built after 1980. Official figures for religious identity are not gathered as part of the US census, meaning that estimates of the total Muslim population in the US around the year 2000 vary wildly. Realistic estimates extrapolated from survey data seem to suggest a figure of around 1.8 million for the year 2000, although this figure has risen rapidly. In 2011 the number of mosques in the US had risen to 2,106, whilst participation rates in weekly prayers are reported to have increased across the country. The distribution of mosques in the year 2000 was weighted towards urban centres, with 64 percent of mosques situated within the downtown or residential areas of large US cities. The majority of these mosques were located in pre-existing buildings, which had been bought and repurposed to serve as mosques.

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