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The Map Archive is your one-stop solution for buying Cold War maps, both global and of Cold War Europe, online. Despite being allies in World War II, the US was suspicious of Soviet communism, and after the war relations soon soured, ushering at the beginning of the Cold War. The US favored the policy of ‘containment of the USSR’s expansionist tendencies, as manifested in the Warsaw Pact communist bloc in eastern Europe, which was cut off from the democratic west by an Iron Curtain. The post-war build-up of arms was unprecedented. This was the beginning of the nuclear war and soon the USSR and US were involved in a deadly arms race. Space exploration became another sphere of Cold War competition, following the Russian launch of Sputnik in 1957. The Cold War was played out globally, with proxy conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and Central America, while the Cuban Missiles Crisis in 1962 brought the world to the brink of war. Following the economic reforms of ‘glasnost’ in the USSR, the Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1989, signaling the break-up of the Eastern European bloc. In 1991 the USSR fell apart, bringing the Cold War europe to an end.
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